Ten Thousand Fists [Special Edition]
" Disturbed " is doubtless one of the loja greatest names in its preco music style, with disturbed a successful career. loja In this album, entitled Ten Thousand Fists [Special Edition] " Ten Thousand Fists [Special Edition] ", 14 tracks, as " Just Stop " and venda " Stricken ", are the escritor highlights. It´s a disturbed fantastic masterpiece that venda can´t stay out from Ten Thousand Fists [Special Edition] your collection. Worth listening to!
Ano: 2005
Gênero: Heavy Metal preco
Reprise; ASIN: 093624945727
1. Ten Thousand preco Fists
2. Just Stop
3. Guarded
4. Ten Thousand Fists [Special Edition] Deify
5. Stricken
6. I´m Alive
7. Sons of Plunder
8. Overburdened
9. Decadence
10. Forgiven
11. Land of Confusion
12. Sacred Lie
13. escritor Pain Redefined
14. Avarice